(no subject)

Jul 15, 2006 17:04

ive come to some conclusions recently that the people i thought i was friends with are no longer friends after a falling out a few months ago ive tried and tried calling sending messages over myspace and textmessaging even aim nothing so im done there are only so many things that one person can do till they give up i think that outta all the people on "my friends" list i talk to maybe a couple of you still so its about time to say goodbye im kinda glad i dont have to put up with all the emo kid drama with your long hair in your face and girl pants seriously if your a guy then look presentable wear guy pants and grow some balls oh wait you cant be a vegan and have balls so i retract my last statement im me im not tryin to be like most of the guys 14-25 im myself i shave my head grow my beard and sideburns and not have to worry about lookin like everyone else at the party i mean all the scene kids at parties these days i dont have to drink to hang out with my friends and its nice that i dont have to worry about gettin dui'd cause my friends let me crash at their house same when they drank at my house but i dont have to try and be a badass and drive home when im drunk but then again its the cool emo thing to do right?
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