..Lately I just can't seem to believe..

Nov 21, 2005 17:30

So basically, things are marvelous. I am quite content with almost every area of my life.

I bonded a lot with my sponsor last night, which I am very happy about. I invited her into my house after the meeting where we reconciled about me not calling her this week and decided to set up and meeting time to start working on the steps. She came in and instantly connected with Amber, we discussed Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, books vs. movies..and then compared being in AA to being Gay and feeling like you have to hide it at work and in other social situations. No bueno. But it was very nice, she didn't end up leaving until around 10:45. It was groovy, she is a nice lady and apparently a classical violinist, I have to bug her about that, and she knows how to play "The Devil went down to Georgia" which I am bound and determined to learn. I am very excited to say. Gotta pick up the fiddle from Cali at some point, maybe Christmas. Gia has one I know, so that might suffice if she'd let me borrow, I'm sure she knows how to play it as well.
On that note, meetings have been going really well, I've been getting connected and meeting more people and getting more numbers. I really enjoy the dinners after the women's meeting on thrusday nights, that's a really great way to connect and find sober support. It's great, I'm now officially the Baby of the group. Allison was shocked to find out that I was 18, she thought for sure that I was 24 (which is older than her! haha). I am glad to be an active part of the program again. Step work starts when I get back from Cali, which means the complacency will dissapear entirely, and I will get reintroduced to that awful uncomfortable painful feeling which signals growth in the best kind of way in that program.
I am so thankful for Dave, I do not know what I would do without him in my life, he has been one of the largest support systems I've had in so long. It's so great to have a peer that is going through and has gone through some of the same stuff as me and is equally as committed to sobriety and has more expereince so that he can help me along through my journey.

Work is going well, I've been getting more organized about my informal assesments in the daytime classes and the lessons lately have been amazing. I regret to say though that the outdoor classroom will not return until the spring, we are teaching indoors until it gets warmer/dryer now. But it was great and the kids had a lot of fun, hopefully they will enjoy the water cycle stuff we're doing during the long cold winter time. I want to get started on the recycling program ASAP!!! we need to jump on these initiatives. fo sheezy. Not that any of you know what I'm referring to when I say things like that..but anyhow, feels good to say.

I met a girl at starbucks on Friday night when Ginevra and I stopped in for hot bev's. She seems really nice, her name is Jess. She had her music on and it was lots of Ani and Jimi Hendrix and other really awesome stuff. I talked to her for a bit and we exchanged numbers. I was a bit discouraged since I called her last night and she didn't respond. But I got a call from her today in the middle of my work day, luckily at a point where I could answer, right at the end of my lunch hour. She sounded really bummed that I was leaving for Cali, I'm calling her when I get back and we're going to get together. I'm really excited. She seems really cool. I like the fact that I'm getting more ballsy about introducing myself to people. I love my friends at work, but I really need a life outside of City Year, my balance isn't that great right now, so hopefully the people that I've been meeting at the Women's group and other folks that I randomly meet at coffee/record shops will make life a lot more managable. I'm happy :)


I can't wait for Ginevra to get off work. I'm sitting in the office still, waiting to get hot bev's. I want to go to Newburry street so that I can go to virgin records and get mom a present. After that I'm going home to pack and chill out in my room, burn some insence, play some music, take a nice bath perhaps. I need to get some major relaxation in before I head to the airport tomorrow. My flight lands in California at 7:10 p.m. assuming that my flight is not delayed. I think there's a storm happening tomorrow or something. Hopefully it won't be that bad though, I'd hate to carry my bags through the rain, but I'll do what I must. I cannot wait to see my Mom and Stephanie...I'm so excited.

Look out Poo Poo, Shleph, Anna banana, Kelly, Hannah, Lo, and Krissy....I'm headin' back yo way.
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