
Feb 16, 2004 13:58

OK, so Thursday night I went straight from Marist to Maryland. I had Duane and Diana, two of Tenjoukun's friends, in my car with me. We got to Kusoyaro's house around 3:15AM. We were locked out [kinda'] because Stealthhe gave us the wrong apartment number. Basically I woke up too many people that were not Kusoyaro. Luckily he was listed in the 411 directory and we found the correct apartment number.

At the apartment I was greeted by Murdercitydevil. We then woke up Stealthhe. I met Actionjbone, Mckeed, and Kwasek.

Although I went to Katsucon, I didn't buy a badge, nor did I care to get involved in con events. Much of Friday afternoon was spent at the hotel bar meeting people and sharing great conversation. In total, I remember meeting Bogosort, Solidkz, and Aluminumstudios. I know there were more people [Andy, Mike, and Omar come to mind].

Upon getting locked out of the hotel room, Murdercitydevil and I talked for about two hours. Stealhhe was right, Mike is one of the best people to have in your company for hours and still have interesting things to talk about.

Later that night we were joined by Smoovygee. This meant Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles could begin. Stealthhe, Kwasek, and I grabbed our Gameboys and set off to the magical land of Buggery. This game in Four-player is awesome. We played a total of nine hours over the weekend.

The highlight that ended Friday night was watching Murdercitydevil and Kusoyaro have a pillow/cardboard box fight around the room, tripping over resting bodies. Too funny.

Saturday was more gaming, drinking, and having great conversation. It even included one huge smoking table in the bar where about ten men started singing "Cor-Bo Cor-Bo Man, I want to be, a Corbo man!" Quality. I really wish the weekend didn't fly by so fast.

We snuck into the Otaku Rave. It was only fun because I had awesome people around who made it fun. Kusoyaro had a crazy adventure that night. While we were playing more video games, and Murdercitydevil and Bogosort were talking with the new guy in charge of the Otakon AMV contest, apparently Kusoyaro was "thwacking" some good-looking guy named Christian. He and Christian had crazy adventures with eight parties, hot women, big black men, and Yeungling. Hearing the story at 4:30 AM made it seven times funnier.

Sunday morning we were awakened by Vicbond007, who told us that we had just over an hour to wake up, pack, and vacate the room. Tired, we left the con, eventually to drive home.

::sniffle:: I miss the fun I had already.

vacation, katsucon, anime, friends, humor, road trip, video games

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