Big post with lots of pictures

Jan 01, 2004 15:21

So, here's the deal. While sorting through the pictures from last night's house party, I found some from Rob's last party as well. I'll post the recent ones first and tell my stories, then I'll put the other pictures at the end.

New Years Eve 2003
Well, we started the day of "Games and Grog" by playing some Spy Hunter and Gauntlet II. It was fun as always, but then we hooked up the "Voyager PowerJoy" game system. It's a $20 thing with two controllers and 84 classic video games on it. We only played the first 21 of them so far, but among them found greats like this game, where a caveman guy can skateboard on clouds:

Then, we played this weird boat race game with a glaring typographical error.

I of course beat the high scroe. Dave, Glenn, and Stora [the conglomerate entity of Steve and Cora] then motioned to go and get the alcohol. They returned with all this:

Around 6PM, we began the drinking. First we drank while playing Gauntlet Legends, but that was not enough. To follow last year's tradition, there needed to be an obscenely large game of Beirut played. In accordance, we set up a team game with 36 cups [8 rows]:

Ten beers per side were used. Rob and I dominated most of the match, but got stuck on the last 4-6 cups. This let Glenn and Steve come back a little, but they still lost by 6 when it was all over. It was amazing. Around 7 something Glenn's friends started showing up. Glenn had to show off, and played more games of Beirut, only to get even more drunk (before 8 PM of course). Basically, he threw up for an hour. Here is Angry Punk Rock Steve messing with him as Glenn was trying to puke some more:

That is onion dip on his eye. Good times.

Dave was wearing his Minor Threat shirt, but found it to be inaccurate. I fixed it, though:

I call it art. I spent between 11:30 and 12:30 in the kitchen talking with makeoutmusic. It was a fun time, especially as Steve tried not to laugh out loud at some crazy 17-year old fangirl who bought tickets from him. In this picture, Olivier is afraid that I am going to set his hair on fire:

Things got crazier as rumors flew that someone had puked all over our bathroom. Sure enough, it was true. A veritable mess. The culprit: RICHIE:

Also in that picture is the bottle of Bacardi 151 that caused that mess.
[Aside: Last year, Richie was forbidden to drink 151 at our house anymore. This came as a joint decision when he threw up on our futon, himself, the floor, the Beirut table, and then proceeded to sleep under the table in a pool of his own putrid vomit.]
Glenn decided that Richie was mature enough to handle himself around the Bacardi. What a mistake that turned out to be. As a result, we forced Glenn to clean the bathroom this morning when he woke up.

So many people slept over that we ran out of room. Here's proof:

Rob's Last Party

Here you go, some obligatory
Nick and
Brad shots:

Brad, Nick, and Tom's Thumb

Nick taking a shot

Nick declares the almighty "This is bullshit!" after missing a shot

vomit, aprs, alcohol, dave, party, beer pong

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