The "pass it on" letter thing.

Aug 20, 2008 08:06

Passed on from Jimmyen

The Rules: Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list ten things ABOUT WHICH YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY that begin with that letter. Then do the meme perpetuation thing on your own livebloggerpad.

Mine is the letter P.

1.) Pestilence - Such a badass. In today's world, it would not be the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, it would be the Apocalypse Four: Kickass Biker Gang. Pestilence would have so much Anthrax and shit coming out of his bike's exhaust that you'd die within seconds (not to be confused with what Death's hog does to you). This dude just rolls around the world tossing out Influenza and Ebola. Let's not even talk about the STDs. In summary, he's your worst nightmare.

2.) Peter Frampton - What the fuck?! Is this man's guitar talking?! Holy balls of shit, I think it is! Can you think of a more badass way to fuck with the drug-culture than a talking guitar? Unless your name's Jerry Garcia, I think the answer is "No!"

3.) Pieces of paper - (Does that count as two?) - I like writing. Not like, writing a book or writing relevant info on this blog, but just scribbling notes on little shreds of paper. I go through a pack of post-it notes every week at work. If I didn't have pieces of paper to write things down on, I'd forget most everything on a typical day. Let's discuss other pieces of paper that kick ass: Toilet paper, paper airplanes, tabloid journals, and pornographic magazines. Paper, you just cannot disappoint.

4.) Playing the Bagpipes - I wish I had both bagpipes and a bagpipe instructor. Seriously, how awesome would it be to just walk around town with "the pipes" slung over your shoulder? You wouldn't necessarily even need to be playing the instrument, just toting it is cool enough. People would beg you to play, but you could make them feel insignificant by declining. When you did play, people would run for the fucking hills; not only because bagpipes sound like a bundle of asses tied together, but also for fear of falling under your pied-piper trance. *Tha-weeerrrp* "Go get me a coke, motherfucker!"

5.) Paleontology - I kind of wish that this was my career. I think Jurassic Park ruined the dream for my generation by making the first few scenes of the movie look as boring as cinematically possible. "Dr. Grant! We're going to shotgun the frickin' ground, want to watch?" 'Sure, Harold! This is my favorite part!' SNORE! It could only have been less exciting if it was a still frame of sand. I secretly know that in real life, Paleontology is awesome. Some museum pays you to just go hang out in exotic locations, drink beers, and theorize about cavemen. What a scam. Sign me up!

6.) Pluto - The planet, damnit! - I was raised under the belief that there were nine planets. NINE! My very educated mother just served us nine... KBOs? Wait, what?! I'm certain that my science teachers didn't even know what the fuck a Kuiper Belt Object was. For that reason, I will safely say, fuck Kuiper. He didn't even discover the belt that's freaking named after him, much less Pluto.

7.) Pie - Pumpkin, please.

8.) Perry White - Great Caesar's ghost, what a hero. A working-class man who works for the working man. Superman's a douche, and he's not afraid to publish it. Lane Smith portrayed a too lovable chief in Lois and Clark, which is truly a sad thing, since the Perry White that I know is a serious hardass. I'd have loved to see Smith shout, "Where's your article, Kent? You don't have it?! Get the fuck out of my office, you're ruining my whiskey buzz," and then resume throwing daggers at a wet-pantsed Jimmy Olsen.

9.) Prometheus - Who's man (titan) enough to fuck with Zeus? That's right, Prometheus, the original Robin Hood. He tricked Zeus into eating bones, which let's admit, is pretty embarassing. Then, mortals began sacrificing animal bones wrapped in fat, never letting Zeus forget it. Like a dickhead kid throwing a tantrum, Zeus took fire away from the humans, shouting, "Enjoy your cold food forever, you ungrateful fucks!" Prometheus tricked the Gods into letting him into Olympus where he stole back fire and brought it to Earth; along with medicine, agriculture, and science. Wow!!! That's sonot justification for lifetimes of pain and torture. Thankfully, Hercules agreed and eventually set him free. Rock on, Prometheus.

10.) Polaroid Pictures - Stop shaking that film, you ass, it's not doing a damn thing. Not that I owned a polaroid, or liked the quality of the image, but something made me a bit wistful when Polaroid announced the end of their film manufacturing. No more instant gratification when taking a photo. You can't take an embarrassing picture of someone and tape it to them without running to the printer, hooking up some USB action, and waiting for the ink to dry. It's just not the same.

--THE END. This is more typing than I've done all month.


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