The long, uninteresting summary.
Thursday night I went to SalceLAN4: Beeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Car ride down from new Jersey with Tom, in his fancy new car. We talked a lot about random stuff.
Moment of Hillarity: As we crossed the Delaware memorial bridge, Tom calls Corbo (as usual when on that bridge) and declares "DUMPER!" After about 5 minutes of Tom yelling Dumper to three separate people over the phone, Corbo finally figured out what he was saying. I was laughing it up in the passenger seat the whole time.
We got there, were greeted by Misters Salce, Corbo, Bradford, Tim, and Omar. (If you want LJ links, see the LJ cut at the bottom). At this point, Tom and I had to catch up on the Blood Alcohol Content game.
We played Company of Heroes, which I really did not care much for at all. Call of Duty 2 of course found its way into the gaming rotation. The surprise victor, however, was Warcraft III: DotA. I enjoy playing it at LANs, but never really expected it to consume a SalceLAN. That was a pleasant surprise.
Friday was much of the same. People began trickling in later in the afternoon. The LAN party was in full swing Friday night. I sat between Omar and Barranti - two really cool people (which makes me wish we attendees didn't all live so spread across the East Coast). "Spicy Mudbutt" began his return in Call of Duty, only to soon become "Juicy Mudbutt." Few original names other than that really stuck out this year. "Father McFeely," "FatBob," and many other familiar names returned as we played.
Curry was awesome as usual, and I'd really like to thank Mr. Salce for making a vegetarian pot once again. Friday night was a lot of gaming, PC and console, which transitioned into Chapelle's Show so all could be made conscious of what "Beeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" really means.
Saturday, at like, 4AM, Andy and I had a long (20 minutes?) conversation in the kitchen until we were ushered to the basement so that the others on the first floor could sleep. Sorry if I was a little too drunk, Andy. It was here that Hsien offered to show Novem. I really, really enjoyed it. I can't imagine how much work that was for he and Nate.
Saturday was more gaming with more people. Hooray! At this point, we had gigantic DotA games running almost nonstop. Because Bhodi was so good (Read: Opportunistic), he was like, 10 levels ahead of everyone else at all times. Because of this, Tom, Lee Sheng, Corbo, Brad, and I especially all basically learned to be dicks when it came to getting player-kills. I am slightly disappointed, because the game's not much fun when played like that.
Somehow, people started playing Dawn of War, which is exactly the same as Company of Heroes, except marketed toward Warhammer 40,000 players. I did not like this experience much at all. There was no fun factor to the game at all. It will be ununstalled from my PC post haste (despite taking about 1.5 hours to install with all expansions).
We took a break from video games and played drinking games. Our small 4-man game of "Asshole" quickly became a large 9-man game. Of course, we stopped playing when I became president. =) During this time, Tom proved just how much he had drunk. Salce's mother and father came by for a while, and brought a copy of the day's football game that we missed. That was kind of cool, yet embarassing for Tom the loudest man in the house. Mrs. Salce now knows just how hard his nipples can be. Trivia proved that 5+2=7, and nobody knows who the Prime Minister of Canada is. Tom then passed out for the night at like, 11:00 PM.
More DotA, some Unreal Tournament 2004, and the night basically ended (at 5AM). I recall watching Charles play Okami on PS2 for a while. It looked sort of fun, and I may look for a used copy. I then spectated Brad playing DotA as I hydrated myself with non-beers (as there were none left by some unprecedented twist of fate).
Sunday morning hosted a little more gaming, and then a large number of "goodbyes." The return trip was hellacious. What should have been a 5-6 hour drive max, became an 8-hour drive. We averaged 15 MPH for about 3 hours in Northern Maryland, into Delaware. Worse, the Crab Bisque Soup that I had bought at the rest stop was in disagreement with my digestive tract. Glad I was not driving.
Tom had left his iPod in his baggage, and decided not to pull over and retrieve it from the trunk, so we listened to the same 19-track mix CD the entire drive. Near the end we were both just tuning it out. Somehow, Tom and I managed to discuss everything on this drive. Seriously. Warcraft Lore, Morrowind, Film Careers, Insurance, DotA itemization and tactics, Car Dealerships putting logos on the cars and license plate holders yet still charging MSRP despite the blatant advertizing that buyers provide them (bastards), and religious architecture. I am sure I missed some important topics.
Instead of being home around 10PM as predicted, I was at Corbo and Brad's apartment at 10...crap. Here, I retrieved my car and made it home in record time. 2.5 hours to go about 160 miles, stopping for food and slowing down for mountainous back roads. I still managed to be very late to work today. Go figure.
The Cast
Jason Salce =
rysTom =
GigundousCorbo =
StealthHeBrad =
getzburgHsien =
kusoyaroAndy =
smoovygeeMike Barranti =
i_plisskenCharles =
SertrelOmar =
ArterichTim =
dokiLee Sheng =
BogosortThacker =
JohnThackerVic =
vicbond007Bhodi =
BhodiRandom Salce Friends as themselves.