Dec 26, 2005 17:28
I think I have an inner ear infection. Everytime I move my head, the rooms spins for a good 30+ seconds. I didn't go to work today. It's very tough for me to move around when I constantly have to grab something to keep from toppling over.
So Christmas is finally over. I'm so glad about that. And now it's time for New Year's and all those gay "how my year went" posts. So here's mine:
January: Got involved with Kevin. Broke up with Kevin. A rather dull month.
February: Started working at Sbarro's. Enrolled in night school.
March: Started classes. Realized friends are grotesquely overrated.
April: Keith got out of jail. Went to my first concert. In retrospect it was a really gay show. Almost burned down Sbarro's.
May: Started working at Silver Comet. Quit Sbarro's. Got ready for graduation. Nick died.
June: Graduated high school.
July: Turned 19. Met Corey.
August: Started working at Claire's. Started going out with Corey.
September: Went to the Cape for the first time. Celebrated a year of sobriety. Quit Silver Comet.
October: Just work and Corey.
November: Corey moved in. Thanksgiving. Got promoted to Assistant Manager.
December: Just more of the usual.
It was a slightly boring year, but I think on the whole it was also a really good year. I finally got a high school diploma and met the guy of my dreams :)