(no subject)

Nov 04, 2006 23:11


1. I have a six pack.
2. I would rather drink water than, say, soda.
3. I like puppies, but I don't like dogs.
4. I love to read.
5. I love to write.
6. I don't see the point in buying a movie if you've already seen it once.
7. Hilary Duff is over-rated.
8. So is Justin Timberlake.
9. I'm afraid of spiders.
10. I'm afraid of the dark.
11. I have more than two journals.
12. I believe in reincarnation.
13. I have cried in the last 24 hours.
14. I love rock music.
15. Make-up is a must.
16. I am pierced in more places than my ears.
17. I WANT to be pierced somewhere that I'm not.
18. I have two or more pets.
19. I need money - fast.
21. I'm hyper at this very moment.
22. And bored.
23. And I have no life.
24. I'm hungry.
25. I have more than three best friends.
26. My stereotype at school was/is "jock."
27. I date/d the "jock," at school.
28. Swimming is my life.
29. New Found Glory is awesome.
30. Christian bands are awesome (Switchfoot, Relient K, etc).
31. Who the hell came up with the word "Cuddle"?
32. And window. Maybe someone had a window and they opened it and they were like "Wind...OH!" and thats how it got it's name.
33. Mama and Daddy got the best cocaine.
34. My hair is an unnatural color.
35. I have to poop.
36. I have one brother.
37. I love all of my LJ friends. -Not ALL of them, but a select few. :) hahaaha.
38. I'm going to be a Junior in high school next year.
39. I have a lot of magazines. I only read them once.
40. I watch TV too much.
41. I used to be obsessed with Gel Pens.
42. I'm straight.
43. I don't know what sexuality I am.
44. I love to draw.
45. I love to ride horses.
46. LEMONADE!!!!!!
47. I go online too much.
48. I love Six Flags Great America.
49. I'm afraid of roller coasters.
50. I'm pregnant.
51. I'm single.
52. I should go get the mail.
53. I never get mail!
54. "Poop" is a pretty funny word.
55. So is frolic!
56. gay guys are hawt. -- they have the best style!
57. Straight guys are hott too though.
58. I love holding hands and walking on the beach.
59. The rain calms me.
60. I have about 100 music CDs.
61. And 500 DVDs.
62. I flick people off very often.
63. People flick ME off very often.
64. Some of my friends are so ignorant.
65. I wish some people would make up their mind.
66. I've had sex more than once.
67. The farthest I've gone with a guy is standing five feet away from him. 
68. I prefer daytime to nighttime.
69. My parents are divorced.
70. I have had a penpal before.
71. I sleep with a stuffed animal.
72. I love dramatic movies and tv shows.
73. I love a good cry.
74. Sometimes I feel like starting over.
75. Video games are awesome.
80. I love my significant other with all I have.
81. Time is going by so slow today.
82. I always feel like I'm being rushed.
83. I haven't slept in days.
84. I haven't eaten in days.
85. I'm afraid to get contacts.
86. I collect things.
87. I love wearing glittery clothes or glitter on my face.
86. I saw the sign.
87. LJ is starting to get on my nerves.
88. Omg, like, I, like, love Avril, like, Lavigne!
89. I like most vegetables.
90. I actually believe that stupid urban legend that when you shave the hair grows back thicker
91. I love to clean.
92. I have tried to commit suicide.
93. I have prevented someone from commiting suicide.
94. This thing was boring, but it kept me busy.
95. This was fun!
96. When I first get a c.d. I listen to it over and over until one day, far in the future, I finally get tired of it.
97I can touch my nose with my tongue 
98 i can put both feet behind my head -Well, I used to be able to, at least! I haven't tried in a while.
99. I have allergies.


I like gory movies
I told someone I loved them when I really didn't
I like polka-dots & stripes
I'm wearing a green shirt right now
I still listen to music on a portable CD player
I own several cassette tapes
& I still listen to them frequently
My pet is over 10 years old
I have never owned a lava lamp
I am an athlete
I write notes and random stuff on my hands and arms constantly
I fiddle with my jewelery when I get bored
I'm bored
I wear see-thru thongs
I have my own phone in my room
I take showers at night
I go to church every Sunday
My bathroom has a theme to it
I have a window in my bathroom
I live in an estate
I reside in Australia
I married an idiot
I love listening to classical music
I carry around a backpack at school
I have been to the East Coast (i live on the east coast)
I need a shower
I worked out today
I sew/have sewed
I live on a farm
I think a pig would make a very good pet
I think my house is nice
My house is painted blue
I don't like men with mustaches
I smell good
I'm craving cake
I have Death Cab For Cutie's new CD Plans
I am currently sad/mad/depressed over something or somebody
I have been to my High School Reunion
I once lit my house on fire
I love scented candles
I was paid to do something in a dare that I now regret
I've stepped on a nail or thumb tack before
& I cried
I've walked on a pier before
I have ran a red light, either driving or riding in the car
Yes, I went through an N'SYNC craze
I have been on the tv show TRL before
I love watching 'I Love the 80's' on VH1
I live for Ben&Jerry's ice cream
I love my pet more than anything in the world
I'm greedy
I was/am my school's Student Body President hahi'm a loser
I have read a Stephen King novel before
& I liked it
I read the Sunday comics faithfully
I listen to Queen's "We Are The Champions" and "We Will Rock You" whenever it comes on the radio
I never get embarrassed in public
I blush way too easily
I love to do karaoke
I'm singing right now
I'm not comfortable AT ALL around the opposite sex
I have donated to charity before
I know someone who lost their home to Hurricaine Katrina or some other natural disaster
I've had more than one very near-death experience
I know all the words to the songs from Grease
I hate orange juice with pulp
I have seen a show on Broadway before
I have ran up and hugged a stranger, mistaking them for someone I knew
I have drooled all over my pillow before whilst in a deep slumber
I'm listening to my favourite song right now
I have/had a mood ring(s)
I have an Apple Mac
I have taken an art class in school before
I have owned a disco ball at one time or another
I can speak fluent Spanish
I've been to a roller rink and fallen flat on my butt
I can write in Japanese
I have been hospitalized for more than a month before due to a terrible injury
I would streak for 50 bucks
I have pole danced before just for fun
I know who Billy Joel is
& I love his music
I wear foundation
I have a ridiculously large purse
I have ridden a camel before
I love carnivals and fairs
I have spent the whole day at the mall and just walked around
I live/lived/visited in Germany
I love to people-watch at the airport
I don't have a favourite flower
I have seen the movie Love Actually
I have a lot of random shit hanging on the walls of my bedroom
I drink as much milk as I'm recommended to
I keep my movie ticket stubs
I'm going to go see a play or musical soon
I have visited Mount Rushmore
I have studied abroad before
I don't drink enough water
I love yogurt
I'm trying to lose weight
I HATE my toes
I'm trying to gain weight
I love the show 'True Life' on MTV
I loathe reality TV
I have a Myspace
I have taken a College Algebra math course
I love doing crafts
I can count from 1-10 in two or more different languages
I need to paint my toenails
I like the band The Postal Service
My internet homepage is my email provider's page
I never send e-mails anymore
I have a cell phone
& I don't think it's a piece of trash
I have an iPod/mp3 player
& a really kickass case for it, too
I put my shoes in the dryer
I own my own apartment or home
I still like the song 'Bat Country' from Avenged Sevenfold even though I've heard it about a million times
I still watch the Price is Right and Jeopardy
I've played Spin-the-Bottle
& I had to kiss this really ugly geeky kid!!
If I was a guy, I'd leave the toilet seat up too!
I love to bargain shop
I'm avoiding carbs
I could live off of breakfast cereals
I have/had a pet named something totally cliche like Spotty, Buddy, Fluffy or something similar
I wish I could be a member of the opposite sex for one day
I dislike standardized tests
I hate '90s music
I can't wear watches because I have too much electricity in my body
I just don't wear watches because I think they're ugly
I text in class or at work
I often wake up in the middle of the night and have a midnight snack
I can't WAIT for summer
It gets really hot in summer where I live
I once wore something that was 5 times too big for me in public
I have been to Canada
I live in Canada
I hate it when guys leave the toilet seat up
I have a really cool 6-CD changer stereo
I own all the cds from my favourite band
I love Hottopic
I hate Myspace
My favourite band has a 'The' in front of it
All I wear is band teeshirts
I'm a loner
I can speak another language fluently
I like Dave Matthew's Band
I practically live in my pajamas when I'm at home
I love mashed potatoes
I have seen my favourite band in concert more than twice
I love string cheese
I hate The White Stripes
"Gothic" people scare me
I'm homophobic
I visit dictionary.com on a regular basis
I'm going to buy Brokeback Mountain when it comes out on video --
I'm religious
I want to move out of this stupid state already
I have a certain order in which I put on my socks and shoes
I just ate dinner
I'm a morning person
I want to kill the members of Fall Out Boy, or maybe just rip out their vocal chords
I'm an Anime Nerd
& proud
I have homework to do tonight
I have a High School diploma
I'm home alone right now
I love Chinese take-out
I think sushi is disgusting
& I've never even tried it
It's raining right now
I love listening to old-school Madonna
I'm picky
I've volunteered before in my community
I'm always sore
I hate back massages
I give a mean back rub
I'm interested in acupuncture
I love foreign food
I listen to my iPod/MP3/CD player in class or in the office when I'm supposed to be paying attention or working
I fall or have fallen asleep in class
I would never wax my legs, even if you paid me
I have tried Nair before
& it hurt like hell and didn't work
I suffer from sleep apnea
Someone in my family or someone I know battled cancer and won
I have a shirt hanging in my closet that hasn't been worn for over 2 years
Snickers is my favourite candy bar
I had an imaginary friend when I was younger
I do my chores every day
My favourite soda is Dr. Pepper
Okay, this survey is going on for way too long
I know the difference between 'to' 'two' and 'too'
& when is the appropriate time to use them
I have/had birds
I have been to Hawaii before
I want to go on a Cruise
I sleep with 3 or more pillows on my bed at one time
I always read before going to bed
I am/was in Honours, or Advanced English
I passed Geometry the first time I took it
My nails are not painted
I have a song stuck in my head right now
I have watched atleast one episode of 'Friends' before -- try all of them more than 10 times i bet
Chocolate chip pancakes are pretty much the bomb
I have no clue what IHOP is or stands for
I'm currently avoiding someone
I know morse code
Facial hair is hot!!
I've been dehydrated before
I love to run
I have a crush on someone right now
& they don't even know I exist
Bolding surveys are calming
I'm listening to a sad song right now
I still use old-fashioned bar soap to wash myself in the shower
I have an electric toothbrush
I have taken professional studio photos with friends or family
I have seen Steven King's movie It
When I was younger my friends & I always used to make up dances and perform them
I think I'm going deaf
I'm getting bored of this stupid survey already
I'm an accident just waiting to happen
I'm so clumsy
I have licked someone else's shoes before, for money or just because
I'm always indecisive
I have kickass bunny slippers
I need a tissue
I have watched the Disney movie Mulan before
& I loved it
I have attended a tea party before
I have seen a bear before, and it wasn't at the zoo
I have walked in on someone having sex before
The drawers on my dresser don't close all the way because they're so full
I hate my 3rd period teacher
I read Manga
I have no clue what 'Manga' is
I used to collect beanie-babies way back when
I sell or buy stuff on eBay
I have been to a museum before
I have plans tonite
I like Spongebob
Captain Hook is one of my favourite Disney villians
I hate the movie The Sound of Music
I need to charge my phone
I like elephants

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