i have nothing to update about. at all. i am just in the mood to write crap.
like i said before, it's because i have no life at the moment. i work. i watch some tv. then i sleep.
on a rating of 1-10, 10 being awesome, i'd rate my life at the moment a 0.5.
i'm at work, i'm tired, i've run out of cigarettes and i'm hungry. i want to go home.
i thought bed bugs were make believe.
apparently melanie griffith got attacked by them in her hotel room & antonio banderas wants to sue (mmmmm, antonio). i don't know how true that is, considering i read it in star.
and there is supposed to be an outbreak of them in western australia.
so i was laying in bed last night, thinking about bed bugs and started scratching. i'm like a crazy-paranoid-bed-bug-aphobe at the moment.
but can you blame me? look at the dirty little fuckers.
The mouthparts of bed bugs are especially adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. Like most blood sucking arthropods, they inject saliva during feeding, which has anticoagulant properties. Bed bugs respond to the warmth and carbon dioxide of a host and quickly locate a suitable feeding site. They tend not to live on humans and the only contact is for a blood meal. Most blood feeding occurs at night, and they generally seek shelter during the day and become inactive while digesting the blood meal.
ok, i need to stop googling shit.
i need to hear some new music. anything really, as long as it's of the non-shit variety. so recommend!