
Aug 15, 2002 14:54

My night in Seattle gave me a few new lessons on life. Credit to Devyn goes to this list. Here they are....
*next time, more money, shorter shoes
*get a fake ids, (anyone interested in helping out?)
*maps are your friend. treat them as such
*Seattle is much hotter than the temperate ambience we enjoy up north
*internal compasses come in handy, (and *hooray* i have one!)
*public urination is an art...(this one i dont have personal experience at)
*it is very possible to get into Deja Vu, Showgirls, and make friendly converstation with the staff attendents
*upstaires sleazy porn places wont sell to you with out an id, but the will illicit the help of their friends to buy it for you
*there are no 24 hour restaurants open in Seattle
*apperently i have high standards....and more fetishes than i had imagined...
*it is physically impossible to have sex in the bathroom of the Olympic Grill...(just take my word for it)
*Drew Barrimore posed nude in Playboy in 1995....(i have proof)
*the University District is the best
*the internet/coffee shop, which oozes with pretense, (the good kind) is even better...::much better than stuarts::
*it is possible to leave a bag full of stuff stashed on pike street and return to find it untouched, if you are very very good...
*they have this nifty sparkling cement...::i want the whole world to look like that::
*no matter how desensitized you think you are, you still stand to lose some naivte.
*i need to keep more careful track of what i have and havent told people (im sorrrrry ^..^)
*i watched a sunriseish from a bridge on pike and 9th.
*people in seattle get up freakishly early
*the phrase "peace as a penis" can be alarmingly hilarious after playing speed for so many hours and planning personal ads....(im gonna bet cha!)
*erotica can be excitingly creepy and complex...
*we've gotten all the excersize we need for the next 4-40 years
*we need to hand out writen apologies to all thoses within hearing distance, like exciting bus-man....poor guy, (the meowing was the least of his problems)
*ducks reminds us of old navy
*pike place reminds us of putting on eyeliner
*chris is beautiful and developing a complex
*and yeah.....the 'shoe is so much better
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