There are comics who are just bad, and then there's this...

Feb 21, 2010 19:50

So when I was in Italy I started buying old adult fumetti (comics) from used bookstore. I didn't look for the classics like Manara, Crepax or Magnus since I already knew those. No instead I aimed for the worst horror/porn productions of the 70's :

I only bothered to scan the covers which is the most interesting part. The interior art is generally just mediocre, but the covers are, in my opinion, gloriously bad.

Zordon is like Flash Gordon with more boobs.

Tentacle Rape, 1976-style !

"SuperBlack ! Negro di C.I.A. !" I have no words...

And the back cover is even worse...

"Il Vampiro Presenta il Licantropo Fantasma" is just about the best title ever.

I'm pretty sure the artist could have crammed 2 more fingers on this hand, but not much more...

Robby the Robot ? Is that you ?

In case you're wondering, there's absolutely no relation between the cover and the story in this one, but it was released in 1979, the same year as Werner Herzog's Nosferatu remake.

Impaled midgets, why not ?

I actually rather like this one.

This one is (I think) about a guy who can turn into a monster to scare people into confessing their crimes.

Can you hear the James Bond theme playing ?

You can a few more of them on this Flickr set.
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