Aug 30, 2005 00:23
ABSOLUTE WORST-PAIRINGS that should NEVER under ANY circumstances should be witnessed by mankind. EVER.
Fullmetal Alchemist:
-EdxWinry ~They're like brother and sister (yes i kno i'm a filthy hypocrite concerning this) But they haven't really had much in depth interaction during the series. Ed, more often than not, doesn't confide Winry. If he can't by now i just don't see it happening at all.Besides it needn't be said that Ed is too good for Winry. Or any other girl for that matter.
-MaesxRoy ~I'm not as insistent on the unlikelyhood of this pairing. I've read MaesxRoy and it's usually just fooling around, intoxicated or not. I tell you to prove me wrong without the slightest hint of sarcasm. I'm always looking for a good fic *^.^*
-SasuxSaku (eww)
-NaruxSaku (eww)
-ANYBODYxSaku!!! (i feel sorry for Anybody...)
Sakura is probably the most useless character in the history of anime. To everybody's chagrin she's a frequently-appearing supporting character. In her defence the series has been hinting at some use for her in the future (won't spoil) but 140 (approx) episodes into the series?!? Kishimoto-san definitely screwd up there.
Inu Yasha:
AnybodyxKagome (i sure am putting that Anybody through hell aren't i? ...Yea i know i'm not funny)
SessxSango Cannon=Good FluffyxSango=Not Canon FluffyxSango=Not Good nuff said
Kagome Flame (because you haven't seen enough already): What pisses me off about all the characters is how they're lovey-dovey over Kagome, like she's sooooooo innocent. Has anybody really payed attention to how Inu Yasha is probably the most sensitive character in the series? Seriously. Anyway back to Kagome-bashing. How many times has Kagome 'sat' Inu Yasha for stupid reasons (i.e. When she kissed *him*, when he said he liked instant food better than her cooking, when he looks out for her, when he *EXPRESSES* himself, the poor guy can't say anything on his mind without being punished for it)? Too big a number. K how bout the number of sits Kagome gives Inu Yasha whenever he tries to cheer up/explain to Kagome about what he's not doing with Kikyo whenever she visits him? Slightly smaller number. What peeves me more is how everyone makes Kagome out to be the victim when she's far from it. What peeves me even more is when Inu Yasha feels guilty about it. What peeves me most of all is when Inu Yasha told Kagome in episode 16 or 19 or somewhere around there that she should go back to her time and stay there. He didn't want her to get hurt. But noooooooooooooooooooooo she just had to stay. Whatever. The point is (yes i had point) that she was given fair warning long time ago, and as such she has absolutely no right whatsoever to bitch and moan about Inu Yasha may or may not be doing with Kikyo. Or sit him for speaking his mind. She really does think of him as nothing more than a dog and the rosary is a leash. It's really quite infuriating. Kagome is a fake oppresive spoiled bitch who would infinitely better off dying. Some would argue that it's better that she didn't exist at all, but i stick by that it's better to have hated Kagome and had her killed off, than to have never known her at all. So much more satisfying.