Apr 28, 2006 15:53
So today was eventful! Read On!
So i got on the bus and when we were at the Junior High waiting to get off, this annoying, loser, stupid kid who makes out with his sluty girlfreiend tells some people on the bus "im going to start a fire in the bathroom with this aerosole can"... everyone that heard him starts laffing because this kid is such a loser and thinks hes the coolest....
so i get to h9omewoom and just as the morning anouncements start... the fire alarm goes off. i start laffing because i thought the kid acually did it when before we thought he was joking. so we go outside and stand there for like twenty minuets in the freezing cold (im in a t-shirt, shorts, and birkenstocks.. freezing) while Firetrucks and ambulances and police cars pull up... we relize this isnt a drill... because 1-the fire trucks werent there... 2- it was first thing in the morning when late kids werent even there or anything. so after its all done, we go back in and the princoipal comes onto the loud speaker and tells us that there was a fire in a trashcan in the auditoreum and that there will be fire fighters and fire inspectors cleening up and inspecting. so i tell everyone i see about the kid with the aerosole and how he said he was goijng to start a fire in the bathroom... so the day goes on and the rumor spreads... and we find out that this annoying, idiootic, loser kid has been expelled... u could sense the excitement in the entire school because everyone hated him. and afterwards on my bus (everyone on my bus hates him) was cheering and we were all extatic. so he is expelled from the junior high and the high school. hopefully i will never see him again in my entire life! so YAY!!!!!!! it was an exciting day! oh and my science teacher has this calender that translates a german sentence a day into english... and todays translated into 'dont play with fire' so it was kinda creepy/ironic!
thats it!