Look at my newest toy! :D Yes, I'm very proud now. I've been wanting this baby for quite a while now and I finally have it. Yay for I-pod!!
There's one thing that's really bothering me... my neck. I woke up yesterday, unable to move it up, down or to the right and it concerned me, because the first thing that crossed my mind was: Oh god... Malaria! I called the doctor, but everything is just fine. She doesn't know what causes the pain and stiffness but she gave me something to ease the pain. She said it should take a couple of days before the pain will be gone, so let's hope she's right!
I'm thinking about closing my livejournal and move my blog to my
website since I keep a blog there already. I don't think having two journals really works for me. I'm still hestitating though... I don't want to loose my livejournal friends here! What to do? :(