May 27, 2005 08:35
Yesterday I decided to be happy with the way I look. I've been walking around the house in my undies for two weeks now and I finally decided I'm fine with my legs and hips and everything else. I'm no supermodel, but how many girls do you know who actually are? Bodies like that are rare, and as long as I still fit in a size 36 it's fine with me. I have a friendly face, my clothes are cool, my bikini looks good on me and I've got a tan. There's nothing wrong with me and it's time to be proud :) Too bad about those scars on my legs, but they represent who I am. Yes, I fall out of trees, so what?
This is quite an accomplishment for me. I woke up this morning and I still had this confident feeling. I've never really been insecure about who I am, because my whole life people told me I was a little "different", and deep inside I loved that. There were times when I hated not to fit in with the others, but the past few years I got a lot more respect from people around me. But, when it comes to looks... But now I'm finally at this point where I can see the bigger picture of myself, and how my looks fit my personality. When I have one of those insecure days I should think of this :)
Trust me, if you feel bad about yourself walk around the house in your underwear for two weeks and you'll get used to your body. I should've done this years ago! :)