Sep 21, 2005 09:23
so.. i kinda loooooove that i'm really out of it till like.. at least noon?
i think way too much during the rest of the day and i believe it's like my bodys way of protesting.
me (waking in the morning): shit.. what do i have to do today?...
brain: .....
me: okay.. well.. what do i have today?
brain: .....
me: what's today?
brain: .... ::looks away::
me:.. ugh! how about right now? what do i do first? what do i have time for?.. how do i get ready? shower? clothes? what?
brain: ... ::picks at something in teeth still looking away::
me: ::blinks::
brain: ::shrugs:: yr a fucking tool.. leave me alone.
during my morning functions...
student: yeah, i have some questions about crevcoure's article... is his agrarian philosophy directly related to our nations myths of equal opportunity and class?
brain: yr a fucking tool.. u and yr peers.
me: uuum... yeah. that's exactly it. (???) you know, you should see me during my office ours later on today.
student: cool okay, will you be in today?
brain: ... ugh
me: yeah, i think i should be (???) ::nods::
five o'clock
brain: OKAY! let's get started!
me: w00t! i love you.
brain: shut the fuck up... tool.
me: ::does happy dance::
i'll write a blog later on today.. so u see the difference.
in the mornings.. i'm an accedental intellectual by force.
.goodmorning all.