
Jan 29, 2005 18:16

omg! yesterday was the worst day of my lyfe! like my dad started screaming at me in the morning cause i wasnt getting ready fast enough. and then he told me that i wasnt going to jessas party. i was like wtf?! im going i dont care.. and it started this big huge fight. ugh. well yeah then school was hell too. wasnt a very good day. i really dont feel like explaining all of it. i*ll start crying agian.. yuck. well jess made me feel better. shes soo sweet. and so did meggy i love her so much! then i got ready and stuff and megan came over and we went to the beautiful jessa leigh taylors party! we got there like an hour late lol. but like 26 girls were there!! it was sooo crazzy!! some people went swimming and stuff and then me,karlie,caitlin,megan,haily and i think bre went to the 8th floor. omg!!! its like really hot up there and its like sooo high up there!! and caitlin was like hanging over the edge! im so afraid of heights lol. uhmm then like everyone ran around the hotel for a while. then like layter on me,meg,caitlin,karlie,hailey,katie,jessa and idk who else were like running from everyone and we ran into these black girls and they were lke are any of yall cheerleaders?! and chrissys like ya i am.. and shes like uh where do u cheer for? and shes like gold hill? and then they walked off and started laughing and then katie went up to them and was like whatd u say and they were like oh we dont care!!!! it was sooo stupid. lol. we ran into them so many tymes. and then there was like a bunch of these drunk people sitting around a tv. lol. and one of the guys was like hey guys!! do you know what a liger is?!?! and we*re like yeahhh its like my favorite animal! << they were talking to us.. lol.>> woww they were so drunk because layter we went back down there and they drank like a ton a ton a ton of beer and stuff. lol. it was all laying all over the table. well i dont know we got the police guy to come after us and chase us back up to the room like 10 tymes. soo much happend i cant even remember! but i remember a lot of us were sitting out in the hall and there weere like 2 drunk guys on every floor staring at us!! and there was these mexicans and 2 of them had on these like black trench coats and alllll black on and a black cowboy hat. and then the other was lke normal and he was like jus staring at us for like an hour lol. omg and the midjet was soo cute! we took a picture of him thru his room haha! well our room was discusting lol. it was so trashed. it smelled like clorine and the floor was like sooo wet from like the bathroom and ice and bathing suits. the bathroom was really gross! lol. like there was an inch of water on the floor from people taking showers. hah it was great though. our music was soo loud and everyone was screaming a jumping on the beds and all that stuff. then me meg caitlin jessa and chrissy went outside for a little while and then this blck guy came out of the room next to us and hes like uhh ahhh lol.. we thought he called security on us agian. lol. but anyway everyone was up till like 5 30 and like were fighting and yelling at each other forever. megan,me,caitlin,jessa and katie slept on the floor in a corner . ughhh it was sooo uncomfortable. goshh! and then this morning we woke up at like 7 40 lol. like brittany called her mom or something and then she came in saying it was snowing it was snowing it was snowing!  lol so everyone got up and stuff at like 8 30 or something. and like a bunch of em went down to breakfast. we waited around till jessa could find her bra.. lol idk if she ever found it anyway! but we went down there.. lol. that hotel is soo pretty! welll anyway it was really pretty outside this morning!! people thought i was crazy because i was wearing jessas flip flops and i forgot to give em back to her.. and so i got outta the car in the snow to go to food lion and everyone loked at me funny. lol. i felt soo stupid. well then we went to the movie store and got some movies.. and came home. i got in bed at like 12 and watched just married.. and ate cookies lol.. and then fell asleep and i  jus woke up like at 6.. soo i had  a bad day and a greattttt night.  okay well im going to eat dinner. <33 i love you jessa! caitlin rose your the sweetest person i know!!

x0x <33 chels

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