Jun 05, 2004 19:13
i am soo pissed off right now.. first of all instead of me beig home, doing my homework, and trying to atlest get some B's in my classes
i am stuck being here
in my best friends apartment
im sory anna but your leaving next week and we wont see each other for the whole fucken summer and we dont even get to spend our saturday together
and dont tell me that we are becuase really i am having the best of fun...
i mean i now you wanted to see him but you know that i dont like him
and i have my own resons for this
so dont ask me why
you could of had not bribed me to come here and make me feel like an outcast
i mean im sitting here in front your your computer and you dont even come here to ask me wahts wrong
so thank you for making me come here... even thought i really didnt want to see him... and i could of had came around 7 but NOOOO
so thank you once again...
i will go outside and let these tears out
during summer i will write you a long ass letter... something that i have wanted to tell you all along
but i never had the guts to tell you in person...
lajfklsfjd dlkjd iewjfilsdjfd oiefjlsfjklfjaslfkj sl ielisdjlkj j
got to go outside and trow some rox at little kids...