anna this is for you

May 17, 2004 10:08

anna man dont worry... gyz are jackasses.. they dont know what the hell they want..

don worry about "him" and i promise to slap you whenever you think about him... we will get thorugh this together

you are going to go on a long ass path to paradise.. lol.. no seriously their is a long way of pain ahead of you to get over him..

you will want to cry your eyes out and rip your hair.. well maby not rip it

you are getting on that path and i am soon getting off it... (you know im still kinda not over someone)

i will be their to sopport you 101% i mean thats what best friends are for right?

ey you know what form today on forward they alow gay ppl to get married.. hah maby we should consider that.. :)

no like seriously gyz are fucked up i mean why idd god have to create them.. all taht they do is mess with your brain then they catch you in a trap and then they crush you... thats the whole point of life i soposed..

its kind of like a bug.. the humans (we) mess areound with them we run after then.. and they we catch them in a little jar and then we see them suffer without air.. we are no different then them.. but remember that you are not alone.. we are not the only girls our their with problems like these...

you see i cant say this in english so i will try my best to say it in polish...
dzisiaj na autobusia ja bylam bardzo zmenczona.. hora i nie wyspana.. i on wszdl na autobus.. kurcze on nie siednol kolo mnie bo natalia plecak moja kurtka i book tam byly.. noto troche zasnelam i kiedy otworzylam otrzy on chcial zebym ja kolo niego siodnela.. ale ja nie chcialam.. noto w ciongly dniu kiedy i go widzialam wcale nic to mnie nie mogil.. kedy wychodzilismy z autobusu uciekl... korce co ja znowu zle zrobilam...

he gets pissed to quicky and thats a big ass turn off.. and you kow what i dont care waht you think but i dont like him and man maby just maby during the summer if everything goes well i would go out with him but just for fun...

and i asked "her" when the pants are gonno come in and shes like oh but we have some alreday... and im like noo.... and shes like well if anything then we should have some monday
nat thinks taht shes lying about work but then again....
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