Mar 24, 2005 18:15
okay so its spring Break..woop de dooo!
just got back from grease and yeah, i was going to go to java or see the ring 2 or i dont know do something, go to a swimming party, but my step mom called and was like doop too doo we havent seen you in a month, umm lets go out to eat if you want and your grandma will come too. yeah cause me grandma is in town from Nicaragua (central america all you that failed geography**) and ive only seen her one time since she has been here and ive always been really attached to her and she like loves me too death, lol and i feel bad so im canceling my plans and going to eat din din with them. but i hate picking out the places , lol im so weird// anywhooo. tomorrow is DDEESSTTIINN, FFLLOORRIIDDAA!! ha ha so much fun im anxious, the car ride is going to be ccrraazzyy. and i hope i have LOTS and LOTs of fun. and i just got a call that other people are going that we know. and matt will be there to bring us wherever we want..woohoo...and guess what ...Ben Ford is going to be there and chill YESHHH! and hopefully bring his brother..teehee! ahh i cant wait! so Taylor says bring lots of going out and cute clothes (i will probably bring my whole life and its so hard to this trip, cause they have such limited trunk space :( )
Anyways i really really really really want to go to the Ashlee Simpson concert, especially since i watched her show last night and saw the set design for it, its cool. and i was going to get free promo tickets cause its at UNO, but they arent giving them to us for this concert(cause my step dad's dad gets them since he is on the alumni) but i was still going to by the tickets anyways, but them my step dad was like ummm Grease is on that night, your last performance and i was like AHHHHHH this sucksss balls! but life went on, but them my step dad told me his dad bought the tickets anyways for me and my friends cause he loves me (aweee..tear*) and now this really sucks cause not only can i not go but i HAVE the tickets now and have to return them to some low life who gets to sit in my awesome seats! fuck!. sorry i got carried away. but i have to get over it. lol ill make the Elton John show though..which is the most important anyways (HE IS MY FLAMBOI. LOVER!!!!i love that man)
so i need to get ready
the set for grease is becoming hoott
i go to destin tomorrow
i love you much!
see you in a week!
and im jealous of all the show choir
girls that get to go to New York
and i decided i want to tryout for it for next year, lol