Hi, 4 eyes. Haha.
I might turn Homosexual for a short while. Girls seem to have no sexual interest in me whatsoever.
I'm a pessimistic old bastard these days.
I've rediscovered a buried love for Rage Against the Machine.
I wrote a 5 page long short story about a tadpole hatching in somebodys urethra and the consiquences thereof.
I think I've also discovered why I don't go out much. I'm scared. I think I'm scared of what I'll miss at home. If I'm here I can be sure everything will be okay, most of the time. That's pretty sad isn't it.
I've gotten to a really good part in Cell. It's pointless saying what page, Everyone else I know is reading the paperback version, and I'm reading the Hardback version with bigger pages, therefore less pages altogether.
If I wasn't aware that Fraser was reading it too, I'd say what happened. But I won't spoil the book for him. It's something to do with Alice anyway.
As the picture above shows. I got glasses. It's pretty crazy how nothing is blurry now. Haha.
I keep buying box sets when I'm in town. I bought the entire Peep Show box set the other day. It's a fucking legendary programme. And I bought Family Guy season 4 about a week ago. All I need now is Season 2 and I've got all 5 seasons.
I've taken to that weird way that sort of confirms that I have no life by arranging my books/cd's/dvd's in a diffrent order each day.
First it was box-sets first (which I have loads of. Like, half a shelf?) Then, the next day I set them out by Genre. Then the next day it became Personal Favourites. then it became Recently Purchased. then it went back to the good old Alphabetical way. Which I plan on keeping it.
I have my Art Prelim tommorow, then my Admin on Thursday. There is no way in sweet Hell that I can pass Admin. I actually can't do it, and yes. I am aware that it's the easiest subject there is for Higher.
So, you know how it's bad luck to keep a hat on a bed. Turns out last night I completely forgot about this and left my hat at the foot of my bed while I slept. I've been "on edge" all day. I'm far too supersticious.
I really really am considering Migrating a lot sooner than I planned. Scotland is bollocks. I want to go somewhere like Ireland, maybe. Another English-speaking country would be handy. Not America/Canada though, it's far too expensive and all that ..driving on the other side of the road.. bollocks. Would do my head in.
Aw man, I can't be arsed updating properly now. Haha.