so i've decided that aqua's "around the world" is my song of the week.
i've been on a silly pop kick lately. is officially registered. inspired by my previous song of the week, aqua's japanese version of barbie girl, which you can hear
by clicking here, it will be [yet.another.] hello kitty parody.
complete with engrish! yay!
evil perverted kittypop engrish.
will have to get
pho0ka to learn the simplistic japanese cartooning style.
the first thing i will post is why i don't have i should have registered it when it was available. i waited, and someone snagged it. noticing nothing was being done with it, i emailed the owner to see if he'd sell it. here's the letter i received:
[::.dear veronica,
thank you for your message regarding your interest of kittypop. i actually have been working on a side project that has been heavily based on kittypop, so it's not been simply an ideal domain registration. while i'm quite busy with my current venture, i would like to keep the option to further develop kittypop...::]