i still think about that calzone sometimes

May 03, 2009 20:23

last october i failed to finish a really fun bike race. failing to finish (also called "dead fucking last" or dfl) is sort of my style in these type of things. i feel it shows just the right lack of effort, like if i had cared to abide by the rules i might have won. since it was in oakland i most assuredly would not have won and am clearly delusional about the entire experience. it was still really fun.

here i am, looking at the manifest and the map and pretending to plot a route while in fact cribbing from the other girls' routes and figuring out who i'm going to be following.

standing at a checkpoint with my teammates, looking very anxious to go. this checkpoint i believe involved playing hopscotch, a game i excel at along with double dutch and jacks. by standing over my bike i hoped to convey a sort of gamely impatience which i thought appropriate for such a serious racer as myself.

i accepted a banana from a man in a dress in downtown oakland. not much more to say about that, really.

i resent that water bottle being in this picture. it implies that i had any sort of responsible post-race regimen when in reality i ate that entire calzone and drank two beers. at lanesplitters. after which we sprinted to a house show (the fastest we rode all day, a ten minute flat sprint back to deep oakland from berkeley) and i drank more beer and probably insulted people.

i stole these pictures from victoria who is a very talented and charming individual. she will probably never know.
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