Nov 08, 2007 14:33
Kersnowski ended class early so we could all go over and see the first of this year's Lin Great Speakers Series for 2007-2008. This event's speaker was Rabbi Jack Bemporad. His overall message was both interesting and entertaining... yet I would not do it justice by fumbling to explain at length. Basically, his discussion revolved around a viable method for negotiation of peace in the 'Holy Land.' He is of the opinion that an inter-faith dialogue between the different religions of the area would be the best path for negotiating peace.
While it keep me entertained for the length of the event... I was constantly distracted by the sheer number of people coughing and slowly dying all around me. Once the doors closed, I could see the infections spreading as the many strains would silently descend after being violently exhaled. I thought they had settled for a brief moment, but the thunderclap of applause re-launched the deadly particles skyward... I fear that any soul with a fragile immune system is unaware of the plethora of agents they were exposed to...