Jun 21, 2004 22:35
here's a good question
There is a person.
They only talk to you occasionally, they don't invite you dohang out with them, they don't ever initate conversation with you or ask how you are feeling or act like they care about you at all. They don't want to help you you at all when you are feeling down. Even if they want to they won't help because "they can't" or "they don't know what to say" (which is bullshit)
Here's the question: Is this person really a true friend?
"Camaraderie is bond that holds our everday sanity together"
-guess who said that.
we need friends, god we do. We should never avoid the oppurtunity to gain a new friend, and we should never push away our good friends. But on the other side. Sometimes you have to realize when it is lost and not put yourself through the pain when the other person just doesn't care anymore. and don't quote me on that.
You think you know what i'm talking about. You're wrong.
Yes you are.
A lot of people have no idea what i'm talking about because they don't know me anymore and have no idea what i've been up to lately. Fine, and you wouldn't even have asked, 'cept maybe you read this and now you have to because you have been exposed. Just one of the stupid games that we all play and even I can't get out of because i've been brought down so far/hard.
Forgive my trespasses and allow me to forgive my trespasses against others.
Quick quiz: which of those two is the gift i give myself.
If you don't know. Ask.
It's really that easy, no 'but's.
If you ever want to know anything about me or my life. Just ask me, talk to me. Don't hide from yourself.
You can't afford to live like that. None of us can.