Nov 23, 2004 22:11
Name: Savannah
Age: 16
Height: 5'4"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Where do you live: Santa Rosa
Where were you born: Healdsburg
Braces: Yes, sadly
Contacts/Glasses: Nope
What time is it: 10:14
Piercings: Yes
Where: Lip, ears, belly button..
Tattoos: I wish
Where: Everywhere
Nicknames: Vanz, Vans, Sav., Savannah banana, Donkey Schlong, hedgehog-half leach, umm,, i duno
Flower: black rose
Soda pop: coke
Resturant: Rubio's
Drink: carona
Ice Cream: mint chip
Movie: Empire Records
Book: Ginger bread
Color: purple blue and black
Number: 0
Store: international imports
Food: Asian
Word/Phrase: (theres too many)
Body part: hands
.: This or That :.
Pepsi/Coke: coke
Black/White: black
Lights On/ Off: doesnt matter
Moon/Stars: Stars.
Hugs/Kisses: kisses
Pink/Purple: Purple
Fruits/Vegetables: Fruits
TV/Movies: Movies
Car/Truck: car
One night stands/Relationships: one night stand
Summer/Winter: Winter
Autumn/Spring: Fall
Cats/Dog: both
Print/Cursive: Print.
Emo/Rock: Rock
Punk/Goth: Punk
Preppy/Punk: punk???
Love/Lust: Lustful love
Pants/Shorts: Pants
Dark Chocolate/ Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate
Reading/Watching TV: tv
Licking/Biting: biting
Rock/Rap: Rock
R&B/Pop: R&B
Water/Soda Pop: soda
Ocean/Lake: Ocean
Swimming pool/ Lake: pool
Day/Night: Night
Coffe/Tea: coffie
Hamburgers/Hotdogs: doesnt matter
Silver/Gold: Silver
Nike/Adidas: adidas
Operas/Plays: Plays
Old/New: old
Skirts/Shorts: Skirts
Pale/Tan: Pale
Old/New: WTF?
Water/Land: both.. depends
Sugar/Spice: sugar
Sweet/Sour: Sweet
Pens/Pencils: Pen
Frames/Albums: Frames
Passionate Kiss/ Peck: Passionate Kiss
Hot/Cold: Cold
Make Love/ Have Sex: fucking
.: For or against :.
War: Against
Abortion: For
Emo Music: eh
Love: For.. sometimes
The United States: For
Gay Marriage: For
Murder: Against, unless for a good reason
Coffee: For
Suicide: ...
Hate: for
School: for
Hunger: Against
Poverty: against
.: Random Questions :.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
If so, what's their name: ...
How long have you been together: ...
If you're single, Do you have a crush: Yes
Have you ever been in love: Yes
Do you believe in soul mates: nope
Do you believe in Heaven/Hell: nope
Do you go to church: No
What religion are you: dont have a religion, but i am spritual
What's your ideal date: movie, chinese food, night time, making out
Can you roll your tongue: yes
What's your favorite animal: deer..jk i dont have one
Ever been kissed: yes.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex: yep
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yeah..
Do you day dream a lot: haha yeah
Do you think you are pretty/handsome/whatever: na
Do other people think that you are pretty/handsome/whatever: i have no idea
Have you ever kissed a random stranger: i dont know
Have you ever hugged a random stranger: Yes
Do you ever do strange things with your friends: hell yeah
Ever eaten an entire pizza by yourself: a very small one
Have you ever cried because you loved someone: Yes
What kind of car do you drive/want to drive: mustang
How many times did you fail your driving test: none