
Sep 13, 2004 16:34

Right when I need you the most your not there... Thanks...

Last night I really screwed up.. If it wasnt for my bestest friend in the whole wide world I definatly would have killed myself... I still want to so bad. I got drunk last night with her, thank god. I still wanted to walk home. Today I feel like shit and its not a hang over or anything. Its just that I really dont want to live. I feel like she's just pushing me away. I'll never see her again and everytime we talk we disagree. I feel like how I felt with Pete except not abused. Used and thrown aside. The only ones who truely care are Melissa and Bryan. I only want to run to her though. I dont want to be heald by anyone elts and she wont hold me... She wont even look at me... I feel like I'm just a pain in the ass to her. I'm not worth her love and she finally figured that out and now she hates me. She can still go out and have fun with friends and laugh. She never crys about me.. never is she sad that I'm not there.. and if she is then she hides it. But why? If you love me then why would you hide it and act like I never breathed one single breath.... All I do is cry and all I am is shit.
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