Kill the messenger.

Mar 01, 2005 14:03

It'd be nice to update and ensure everyone that today was a world better than yesterday (as a few people promised) but it really isn't. I'm still not talking to anyone in the house. They'll wait until I exit a room to enter. It's so stupid and childish, because they're anal control freaks means I have to suffer. Whatever. I'll just pretend they don't exist much in the way they're doing that to me.

Not looking forward to work, because it'll be so mundane. I'm looking up places to see if they're located in our directory. If they're not, I add them. How exciting.

I was up sick much of last night...I don't think I was even asleep until about 5, 5:30. It got to the point where my throat felt raw and my head was rushing. I'm sure it was just the stress...worrying about how people reacted to my being, well, a complete bitch. But anyway...I don't think any harm done. I really need to get a check on stuff like that. Just because I have a bad day, have gotten in a fight with someone, doesn't mean that I should be taking it out on people. Except maybe LJ for ranting ;).

Environmentalists are really getting annoying. Every few months it seems, Tim Horton's does a "Roll up the Rim" to win contest, in which us stereotypical Canadian Tim Horton's patrons will roll up the edge of our coffee cups and see what prize (if any) we have won. As far as I can tell, I don't really think the amount of coffee cups used escalates that much higher than our daily consumption. But environmentalists are saying we're hurting the environment by adding more (albiet biodegradable cardboard) cups. It's ridiculous.

I really want to find this Weezer single but I can't! Though the idea of Rivers rapping and a video in the Playboy mansion makes me believe we're in for Maladroit pt. 2. Joy..

You like to write in your diary. True
You have a Neopet. False. Never really caught onto that.
There are aliens under your bed. False
You see dead people. False
You've seen the movie about the kid that sees dead people. True. I used to like it.
Your back itches. False. My belly itches.
The thing your sitting on is a chair. True. A spinny one.
You can think of a real word that rhymes with orange. False - there isn't one.
Any of your best friends has called you bitchy during your friendship with them. Oh, true...haha.
Your parents annoy you. True - grandparents.
The thing that annoys you the most involves sound. False
The word vicious describes you. True on occasion.
You have siblings. True
You can count everyone in your family. True - we have a small family.
You like the color brown. True
Things from the early 1900's interest you. False
The best music is country music. False!!!
You know all of your friend's phone numbers. False - but I have them in my phone.
Green tea is yummy. False - raspberry tea is where it's at.
You're popular. False
You're a pervert. True and false.
Gambling is a problem for you. False - though it could be when I'm of age.
The word death scares you. True - but the action even moreso.
There is a window nearby. True - right above my monitor.
Something doesn't seem right to you. True - especially today.
Your youngest grandparent is probably older than 70. False - Gramma is two years off being 70.
Your kitchen floor is tiled white and black. False - it's all white. Our kitchen is so sterile looking.
Puberty is a scary thing. False
Skating is fun. True
You barf a lot. False - except in the last 12 hours.
For some reason, you seem to feel snack deprived. False
You know what time you'll be up til tonight. False
You wear underwear ALL the time (24/7, 365 - not including swimming and bathing). False - you have to change, and such.
You are in love. True :)
You feel hated. True
There is someone in your school that has commited a crime against you. True and false - not this school but the last one.
Everyone hates you. False
Women: You think little girls are sexy. False.
Men: You think little boys are sexy. --
Recently, you have reaped the benefits. False
There is weed in your backyard. False - there are weedS, but no weed.
You can spell dog 10 times fast without messing up. Let's see. dogdogdogdogdogdodg...False apparently.
You live in a BIG mansion. False
Good friends are hard to come by. True
Santa Claus is yo mamma/yo daddy. True
Strange animals piss in your backyard. False - the normal squirell, skunk, etc.
You've had a dream where you killed your worst enemy. False
Spiders scare you. True
A dog once bit you. True
You've never been to Florida. False
Shopping is fun. True
Cute dogs are fun. True
You believe in reincarnation. True
Rainy days are cool. False
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