We didn't have the money..

Feb 24, 2005 08:32

You wouldn't believe the insane amount of jealousy I have for California right now. First: the awesomeness of Coachella. Now they steal the opportunity to be in a Weezer video. I think I should relocate.

...Southern California Weezer fans! (or weezer fans who happen to be in SoCal right now) Read on, for we need over 125 of you to be in the NEW WEEZER VIDEO:

Heres the lowdown...
Shoot Date: Monday, Feb. 28th, 2005
Call time: 7am
Schedule: You will need to stay all day, until 10pm.
Directions/Parking: TBD - check back HERE on friday (2/25) for directions!
Wardrobe: Summer look - bring 2-3 outfits to pick from.
**food will be provided**
Must be 18yrs of age or older - ID Required. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Help make the first video for album #5 a success! Check back Friday for the info on where to go on Monday morning.

BUT...this is good news as well. This means there will be a new Weezer video in the works, the new album is obviously almost ready-to-go, and remember...just over a month for the new single. I'm flipping excited.

I'm staying home today to work on my test review for tomorrow's Family Studies test. I love the course and all but there's so much memorization. Then I have to start with my ISU Phase 1, which I'm doing on deadbeat dads.

Speaking of...Mom met with a lawyer yesterday for a consultation. Evidently, she does not need to retain a lawyer yet; all the work is being done through the government and the only one that needs legal representation right now is my father. However, if it comes down to it, this woman is more than willing to take mom's case - calling my father a "weasel". If he doesn't begin monthly payments, the government will suspend his drivers licence, take away his passport, seize his income tax return and any additional property he owns. Forgive me if I'm wrong here, but I believe this is highly unfair. I mean, yeah...he deserves to pay for deserting the family and blatently ripping off the system but that was 16 years ago. I'm pretty sure I'm doing okay without his child support as I have been doing for almost two decades. Honestly, I see no need in ruining the man's life for monetary gain. It doesn't seem to be about moral payback (which is all I'm after. I'd be content with spitting at him and moving on, not dragging the man down for everything he's worth), it seems to be about the money...and I seem to be a pawn in mom making a few bucks. Really, if she didn't have this case, she'd be solely dependent on my stepfather. Now she sees a bit of freedom in these monthly payments (which I'm 99.9% sure I won't be receiving any of). I almost do want to email him and tell him I'm sorry...I don't think this is fair...but it's really not my doing. I wouldnt' want to go through with this if I knew it would kill the man's livlihood. He has a new family, new life. Let him live it, for god's sake.

Wow, that was a huge rant. My apologies...I really didn't sit down here to get into a long-winded account of this situation. :X

I'm going grocery shopping now anyway, then homework. Have a good day everyone.
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