oo i havent done this one yet

Dec 30, 2004 10:11

im soooooo bored...im shocked i got up and dressed with time to spare! : O

bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored

Ten Facts About Me:
10. i die my hair like its going out of style
9. i wish kerry wouldve won
8. I used to have huge bangs, and geeky glasses
7. I PMS every day
6. I get depressed easily
5. I have a hard time trusting boys
4. I wear a mask so no one can see my true feelings
3. I wish I never quit balet
2. I miss cheerleading sooo much...I want to cheer again soo bad
1. I want to be loved

Nine Places I've Been To:
9. Canada
8. Florida
7. Maine
6. NY
5. NJ
4. Georgia
3. Vermont
2. conn.
1. rhode Island.......(wow...i havent been off the east coast! : / )

Eight Things I'd like to Do Before I Die:
8. join the peace corps
7. have sex (lame eh?)
6. get a good job
5. sky dive
4. travel the world
3. get extremely wasted
2. have an extremely romantic dinner on the roof of a building...like in the movies
1. fall in love, and be loved in return

Seven Ways to Win My Heart:
7. send me a bunch of tulips (my favorite flowers) to show your love for me (the amount that you think shows your love)
6. make me laugh
5. say "i love you" and mean it with all of your heart
4. show you care
3. compliment me
2. do everything in your power to make me happy
1. do something you truly hate just becasue you know i love it
(those seem like really shallow self centered answers?)

Six Beliefs:
6. spirits
5. miracles
4. that there is someone for everyone
3. everthing happens for a reason
2. eventually I will be truly happy
1. GOD

Five Fears:
5. grasshoppers/crickets
4. being alone
3. dying without experiencing love
2. losing someone I truly care about

Four of My Favorite Items in My Room:
4. clothes/shoes
3. bed
2. my music
1. my fishy

Three Daily Habits:
3. updating this baby
2. sleep
1. crying

Two Things I Am Trying Not to Do:
2. get so depressed that i hurt myself
1. throw up

One Person I'd like to see right now:
1. only 1 person?...well how bout one dead and 1 living?
dead--aunt suzie  : (
living- Jeff
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