This, that and something else

Apr 09, 2003 17:03

So what can I say? I have nothing to tell really. Nothing alright. Well, maybe I could try to put something in here anyway.

So I'm gonna see a friend who I met about 2 years ago in a language course (EF is my bitch yo!) this Saturday! It's a big 'yay', 'cos I haven't seen her for almost 2 years! That's because she lives quite far away (well not REALLY far away but quite OK) and so... but now we're going to the city where she lives (the city's called Turku) and I'm gonna see her :D. Coolness. We're going to see a movie 'cos we both love movies and it's great 'cos I can talk about movies with her for hours while most people would get so bored.. hahah. I really wanted to see All About Love with Claire Danes in it but she said it's only going in the more expensive theater so we're gonna see Chicago again instead! :D But it's no problem 'cos I love it!! So that's it, guess it's gonna be more fun than usual. Well, that's what I hope anyway.

I've been hanging out with Sini and Laura (2 girls who I used to be great friends with but then we kinda stopped being so good friends but I've started liking them again uhh.. whatever :D) quite a lot recently (at school). I don't mind it, actually, because Sofia and Elina have started to annoy me big time. I dunno, it's just that they're not my type really... they're boring. They have so different opinions compared to mine and they always agree with each other on everything and argh! I just can't stand it sometimes. I also think that Elina and Sofia are best friends now (Sofia at least USED to be my best friend). But whatever.
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