
Oct 11, 2004 11:33

*sigh* I havent updated this in like 4ever.. I've been really wrapped up in school and other stuff.. I guess instead of typing some really long thing i'll do that stupid survey thing i did last time i posted just to update u guys on my life..

Personal Information
First Name//: Julia
Age//: 13
Gender//: female
Nickname(s)//: 3 main ones are Schlicher, Jula, and Schlickerdoodle
Hair Color//: brown, bleh
Hair Style//: curly/wavy (w/e it feels like that day) and layered
Eye Color//: hazel

What is your favorite
Color//: pink all the way baby
Game//: the only games i like are sport games..
Song//: 2 many
Music Video//: i havent been watching tv that often
Animal//: monkies
Sport//: basketball
Country//: germany or america
Movie//: dunno
Show//: i dont watch tv that much like i said be4
Food//: potatoes!! haha jess

Best//: guys-luke & bryan girls-chelsea & jessica(plus a bunch others)
Funniest//: luke
Coolest//: all of 'em
Sweetest//: luke or bryan
Kindest//: chelsea?? i dunno, all my friends are meany-poos which is y i luv 'em
Annoyingest//: none of them.. is annoyingest a word?
Dullest//: NONE of my friends are dull
Stupidest//: Jennifer, Chelsea, or Bryan
Most Intelligent//: Luke or Bryan
Athletic//: russell or bryan

Boy(Girl)friend//: single again :(
Are you in love right now//: i dont think so
Do you have a crush//: yeah but i'm not gonna start controversy by naming them
Do you have a stalker//: yep! like 3 or 4
Do you miss someone right now//: luke!! i want him back from england NOW!

What do you do
At school//: TALK NON-STOP
At home//: sleep
Outside//: 2 many bugs 2 be outside
When you first wake up//: go 2 the computer

What _____do you hate
Food//: a lot
Color//: brown i guess? i dunno, that's a dumb question..
Hair color//: blonde.. only cuz i'm jealous of them
Tv show//: survivor cuz it's all my mom watches
Clothing style//: i dont really "hate" any of them..
Movie//: barber shop one and two

Emotions Right Now
Are You Happy Right Now//: kinda
Sad//: no
Grumpy//: kinda
Annoyed//: yes cuzza this report due tomorrow
Angry//: no
Sick//: thank goodness and suprisingly no
Lonely//: no, i like being alone sometimes

Have you ever
Made your own religion//: um.. no..
Written backwards//: i use to all the time
Written your own magazine//: no
Drawn art//: yeah but it sucked
Got angry with a game//: definatly
Played Lacrosse//: nope but i finally know what it is!
Broken a bone//: my toe but thats it
Dyed your hair//: blonde highlights & then colored it with rob's silver sharpie
Put in contacts for no reason//: no
Swam alone//: not that i remember

Things that come to mind when you read...
Intelligentence//: jessica..
Stupidity//: hippos.. :-/ ??
Depress//: me before now
Blood//: my eraser burn
Blue//: water
Gray//: vaela's sweater she wears every day
Sword//: knights?? that's gay
Golf//: derek and andy
Soccer//: monkie (jessi's s/n)
Yellow//: road signs
Socks//: i just got done sorting
Ribbon//: cheerleader's hair :-P

Random Questions
Do you..
Play Sports, if so, what ones//: yeah, basketball
Have a lot of friends//: kindaish.. enough for me
Write good//: handwriting or story telling? well both are a no
Eat a lot//: if i am bored or upset
Like the day Friday//: y wouldnt i?
Like the month December//: i LOVE it

Do you(or are you)
(DY)Give good advice//: i dont think so truthfully
(DY)Talk crap//: heck yeah
(DY)Play a lot of games//: no
(DY)Wear hats//: not really unless they are steven's or timmy's
(DY)Like to be outside//: no! too many bugs!
(AY) Always mad//: no
(AY) Always happy//: NO
(AY) A good friend//: i try

This or that (Last questions)
Night or day//: night
Snow or Rain//: rain
Stars or the Moon//: stars
Ocean or Pool//: ocean
Boat or Plane//: i dunno i've never been on either except small boats
Books or Magazines//: either
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards//: that's a dumb question too
Blonde or Black Hair//: either
Green or Blue Eyes//: 4 girls green & guys blue
Pants or Shorts//: pants unless i'm at home, then shorts
Pop or Rock//: either..
Punk or Emo//: i guess either
Tatoos or Piercings//: piercings!
Necklace or Ring//: necklace
Clouds or No Clouds//: clouds
Art or Literature//: literature
Jeans or Baggy Pants//: jeans
Singing or Dancing//: singing
March or May//: either cuz a bunch of my friend's bdays are in those months
Halloween or Christmas//: i love holloween but Christmas has religious meaning to it so i cant decide
Coke or Pepsi//: coke
Hug or Kiss//: both
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