Oh boyyy.

Apr 09, 2005 22:27

So last night Ash & me headed up to the movies & met up with Sean & Matt and just hung out with them, then we went into the movie but decided we didnt feel like sitting there, so we went back outside & Sean sold our tickets to little kids haha. Then we walked around, & then hung in the parking lot for a bit. Then we drove to McDonalds & Matt & Sean got some food. Then Sean is trying to tell us a story about some kid that was waiting for his g/f there & he gets up & drops his chair, and yells out "Oh SHIT!" omg we all started cracking up! & we thought we were gunna get kicked out. So funny. Then Sean walks to Publix and we follow to go get him & he bought a can of whipped cream! what a dork. So we drive back to the movies & they pretty much ditch us cause Matt got yelled at by the cops. So we go back to Papp's & ate, then watched some of Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, but we were laughing & talking so then we got ready to go to sleep & watched a little bit of Thats So Raven & fell asleep.

This morning, woke up & went to get Papp's hair cut & then got our nails done! :) Real cute. hehe.
Came back to Papp's and ate some Mac & Cheese then got picked up and came to my house. Then Sean & Matt came over & hung out here for a bit. Then like 5 mins after they leave, we call them and ask them to come back cause we were bored. LOL. They come back & pick us up & we go with them to get gas & some Dominos Pizza. Went back to Sean's house to eat it (even though me & Ash just sat there and watched them eat it all. lol) Saw his cute little dog that I was so scared of at first. haha. Then chilled in his garage for a bit. haha. Went back to my house & they left. Then a while later, they came back & we were all in my room SO bored.. then we go outside & I got soo hyper out of nowhere. So me & ash are just standing there laughing & Sean's just out of it in Matt's car. So me & Papp start kissing & making hand marks on Matt's car window. Haha. It was great. He got so mad.. then he fell into the mud hole & got his shoes all dirty... so he tried getting mud ALL over us! So he picks me & Ash up and tries to put us in the mud. HAHA. it was so funny. Sean tried to take pics of it. Then he starts spitting on me, so I spit on his face & neck. lmao. I was cracking up. & he tried to go spit on Ash, but he didn't. Then I was trying to get all the mud & spit off my leg onto his jeans and he freaking pulls my shorts down! I was like umm, "Thank you, Matt for making me moon everyone!" Oh, & we made a little "Circle" but it got KILLED. haha. Ash- the circle isnt dead, it's still alive! lmao. Oh, and we were stargazing for like 5 secs too. haha So then Sean wanted to leave & my parents kept telling me to come inside. So Linds & her sister & Vanessa come to get my movie, The Notebook & they kept calling Seans cell, so he was getting mad. Then finally, they leave & now we're sitting here after getting cleaned up. lol. funn night. we'll keep you updated on what happens tomorrow (if anything). :)
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