things rats do not like: conjunctivitis.
things rats like even less: Giant Bald Rat Who Brings Food And May Be Climbed And Peed On applying medicated cream to conjuctivitis-ridden eyeball with a damp cotton bud.
things unhurts do like:
HCL fic by llasssah written for me me me! (joe/billy; john's POV; and i LOVE IT)
joe's FUCK SANTA t-shirt! billy's cigarette and *sigh* of resignation! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ !!!
(and now i want HCL christmas fic. maybe an "It's A Wonderful Life" AU? i would like that. i would REALLY REALLY like that. it could not fail to be really rather fucked up. i WANT. *hopeful*)