Sep 29, 2004 17:28
Having the freedome to vote is something that many Americans take for granted, especially woman and young people. Many men and woman have fought and died for the freedome of our country. Woman have not always been able to vote, they had to fight for their rights as citizens to vote, many woman today do not realize how lucky we are to actually be able to voice our opinions. Woman today can go to school and get an education, we can have a career, we can dress how we want to, we can wear our hair and makeup however we want to, we can speak our minds. These are things that we take for granted every day. We cant just leave it up to our parents to vote, we are the next generation, the future is in our hands and that scares me because there are many people who do not care at all. They do not understand how lucky we are to live in such a great country. So, exercise your rights as Americans and go vote people!!!!!!!