i used to know you... what the hell happend?

Oct 25, 2004 19:09

Today's bus ride home was quite lovely... wish i would have have a camera to capture the moments. ha! its so fun riding the bus home sometimes! i walk on the bus after chatting with JON and Jordan has safed me a spot! i get on and her younger brother is like "hey fatty" and then people are like sarah, sarah... its so great! i mean these people arent friends that i hang out with but, they are the people that i laugh with... i mean most of the time i have a funny story it comes from the bus ride to or from school. i'm thinking i should hang out with some of these kids... too bad if they arent COOL... what does it matter anyways, i was never COOL to begin with. HA. well on the ride home gabe had his window down so of course rain kept on flying in my eye's!!!! it was lovely... then i got home, talked to JON for the majority of the day on AIM... also talked to a few others... WHOA i just realized that i have math homework!HA well i guess i better go do that... but i will leave you with a few...

 me and nico

 oh yah it's me

 my eye... this one freaked my mom out...

and an old picture of my dad and myself:

if i do say so.... it's lovely...

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