Sep 19, 2005 23:48
fer them of y'all who think Uncle Grampa is jest some good ole boy who likes his shine n Coors an the front porch of his semi-attached home, let me tell y'all that when Ah heard of the troubles down on the south coast, Ah loaded up mah International Harvester with all the gas, food n water bottles Ah could find, and Ah jest drove mah ass south, Aunt Grandma navigatin' and providin' an ATM card when needed.
We all saw down to Mississip, and let an ol' country boy tell y'all, them folks needs y'alls prayers. That there is the valley of the shadow, no mistakin'. Me n Aunt Gramma dumped our wares at Harrison Co. EOC, and we was gratified to see they was et straight up.
If any of y'alls city folks is positioned favorably by the good Lord to be able to help them po' folks down that ways, we all know that you would be greatly appreciated. Ah have stood on the coast of Biloxi Mississip an seen with mah own two eyes that it has fallen under the shadow...