Nov 22, 2007 19:58
Between yesterday being Deliah's second birthday and today being Thanksgiving, I've had a lot on my mind.
I was doing well with the whole Deliah being with her dad for her birthday thing until I picked out a card to send her. That was when I got depressed over it. Yeah, I know, I'll have her back soon, it's just another day for her, yadda yadda... but it not her missing it with me that is upsetting, it's me missing it with her. I didn't realize how hard it was going to hit me until that particular moment. Luke was wonderful and provided a very welcome distraction from my brooding. I think movie viewing of some sort happened that evening. Fast forward to the day of her birthday and I got to talk to her and she was very adorable over the phone, which of course is always a glorious thing. After the phone call, though, my brain turned to goo and I ended up sleeping on the couch for like, 5 hours. Not so glorious. What can I say? I miss my pumpkin. That was when Luke again rescued me from myself. Huzzah! And what did we do? We went drinking. Well, not exactly drinking, but it was at the bar, and alcohol was consumed, but not in the quantities I usually associate with drinking... But I did run into some people I hadn't seen in years, so that's a plus. All in all it was a good time.
And today, today was Turkey Day. My mom was all "Dinner's gonna be around 1!" and then she called around 11 and was all "Um, yeah, dinner's not gonna be til 3:30, 4:00..." Me thinks someone slept in a bit too long. It was well worth it as I managed to add 2000 words to my NaNoWriMo, (and I'm going to endeavor to add more to it after I finish this update) and I got to visit co-workers as they worked their very dead shifts this morning. Dinner was had and it was delicious! Not nearly enough dressing, but, well, you can't have everything. Afterwards I got my butt kicked in Yahtzee. Not that I really lost any hands, but I was the only person who didn't pull any Yahtzees during the games (Mom, Dennis and Pauline all pulled multiples) and thus my average was extremely weak compared to theirs. It was fun, though, and jokes were made about me clunking on a rooster. I already explained that once tonight, I'm not doing so again. Suffer.
And that's my update! Yay!