Nov 22, 2005 16:35
omg im so confused!<--(melissa knows what im talkin about) ne ways!! omg im so excited, christmas is like really soon and like i might be gettin a laptop!!!!! and omg i might be gettin these blue 2 jeans, their so cute. well nuthins been goin on lately but here's what ive been doin:
lAsT fRiDaY!- had school then went to practice at ace(ooo fun...) then went home and talked to people on the phone.
sAtUrDaY!- got up at like 6 and packed for Atlanta for a compititiion. Rachel came w/ us. When we got there we went to the mall after we watched the Auburn game (WE WON!!!!) and it is so big (the mall) it has like over 255 stores in it then we swam (indoor pool).
SuNdAy!-got up and ate CiNniBoN! then went to compitition and competed and we got first! (lol)
MoNdAy!-sat at home all day.talked to jAcKsOn while he watched Nepolean Dynomite. (hate tht movie)
tUeSdAy!-same as monday....