Her transgenic eyes touch my ecstatic view; this touch sends an energy throw my veins
Pumps into my cerebral and enters my heart simultaneously stops.
My breath becomes deeper as if I am breathing throw my legs
Soft hands embrace my own and the tender sent of her is storing in my lungs
her gentle smile makes my heart expand into an explosion of secrete emotions.
And as we rock I feel as if my body is floating and the only thing holding me down is
……………..A hand........ And in that very moment I try to express my deepest compassion
But I shy away as the fear of rejection becomes anemone in my mind then a pain strikes
Down……………….. I had realized it………….. my feeling are forbidden and yet her eyes her wonderful eyes
Take me to a dream state and now I am trapped in my own mind, exhaling visual images
As I inhale the truth……………………my feeling are for bidden