Jan 07, 2007 20:53
Do you find them irritating simply because they truly are irritating and get on peoples' nerves, or because you are just jealous and are nitpicking at every small detail, subconsciously trying to find fault with that person to justify your selfish dislike of that person because of your childish jealousy and attention-seeking nature.
...The latter, I think.
Just ate dinner. The class sleepover was quite a success! Wahoo :D
I'm quite excited about crashing O1 tmr and seeing the nygals for dinner tmr :)
Lately I realised that blogging has lost it's original appeal. Blogging about daily life seems so mundane and it's not as if there's a whole long list of issues for me to start angsting or whining about, now that school's out and everyone's busy working or NSing soon.
And the things that I do feel like blogging sometimes is probably too private to even post it in a friends-only entry, because, I mean usually if your life involves the people you are close to they are quite likely to be part of your ljfriends right? And you can't just blatantly blog about them like that. And if it involves people who aren't even that close to you in the first place then maybe it wouldn't be bugging you enough to want to blog about it.
I'm going to work hard to find a job now. I think I've partyed enough in December already, and shortened my lifespan ( 减少生命 ) enough. Time to get my lazy bum off the chair and out of the house to do something more meaningful like working and earning money. Maybe it's council+oac+JC influence or maybe it's just me. I've figured that I need to live an activity-filled life, even if it does end up shortening my lifespan. Work commitments and ystars commitments should be just about right to kickstart my momentum again.
JinHau said he might be able to get me a tuition lobang which might be just right because it won't be an overly stressful committment and leaving me with enough time for myself.
Jeremy might be able to get me a job at an icecream parlour (Gelatissimo I think?) which sounded EXACTLY like the job that me and Shu Fen was thinking of -- our dream was to serve ice cream at Venezia or waffles at Gelare or something ahahah.
Kiat Tat's assistant chef job would have been perfect if I was feeling a little more adventurous, and slightly more confident about my cooking skills haha.
Anyone else has any good job vacancies?? :D