Aug 03, 2007 09:20
Stolen from darkrone because she's brilliant and honest and we all need a little of this sometimes
This is in response to a scary scary news article... an article that says we the fat, we make our friends fat... we need anti fat nazi's to help us, we are the dire parts of society...
We, the people of Vancouver have decided as a whole to create a diverse society...
we the people of vancouver accept the following "diseases" as a part of our HAPPY, FULFILLING lives... ( have you ever noticed that people who spend their entire lives trying to piss on everyone else, -especially publicly- they usually very very unhappy themselves??)
we accept:
-people of every shape an colour
-people of any level of intelligence as long as they are willing to get along
-people of any sexual orientation that is ( atleast mostly) legal
- people suffering from and/ or trying to overcome addiction
- pretty much anyone who will get along, and even some who wont
... well... we are bunch of freaking hippies! We love everyone and we feel that everyone has a right to life...
i bet i have atleast 60 lbs on that woman, and i bet i could out walk her, out muscle her, and have probably had more fullfilling relationships of varying types in my life than she has...
I bet she had a mom like me..
im sorry she couldnt over come her trauma like the rest of us have had to.
A persons weight does not generally reflect their health, physically or mentally... unless...
Unless they are big enough to not be able to move, or get around, or be independant and at that point there is usually a bigger problem...
Thin people, generally are the ones i worry about.. and honestly
- if she is expecting 110 lbs women to pop out healthy children and survive... she must think we are all under 5 feet tall.
- what about the athletes in grade 11 that are solid muscle, and weight in 40 - 60 lbs more than their friends and think they are " morbidly obese" becasue they have a healthy layer of fat keeping them alive??
oh damn... well if they lose that, no more athlete..
Miss. Betsy... i probably represent everything you hate in life... im fat, im happy, im gay, sometimes im only half gay and im poly... im wiccan, i smoke, i have a lot of friends... some of them are fat too, and i celebrate them for the beautiful people they are... i wouldnt date someone who was exhausted and had no energy because they wont eat properly, trying so hard to fit your ideals, but i would date a whole lot of fat people instead
If there were a sudden natural or non natural disaster... who is going to survive??
The 110 lbs woman who has 1% body fat or the 180 lbs woman who is healthy?? hmn.