Title: A Lost Cause
Fandom: CW RPS! Jensen/Chad, implied Jared/Jensen, unrequited Jared/Chad
Rating: R
Summary: Everyone's on the side that doesn't have Chad, the whole world is against him and no one wants to pick up the phone.
Notes: Lots of love and birthday wishes to
wheatgerm. <3
He's in crisis and his friends are flakes. )
Comments 35
It's just. Chad. And he's an idiot, but he's not insane, and he's not a total ass, and I want to snootle him and make it all better. And Alexis is THERE and I love her way too much, and the short, smug Italian line always cracks me up, and Jared is so oblivious and Jensen is such a bitch and GOD.
I ♥ you.
Chad's hilarious. Most of his candid interactions are puzzling and hostile and sorta sweet. You know, it's all because Jared won't put out hang out. Dudes, go figure. <33
I especially love the dynamic between him & Jensen & what Chad's thinking during. And also? This line made me giggle into my palm in delight it's so perfect:
...under the covers of his bed, where it's dark and lonely, like his soul.
This line made me giggle into my palm in delight it's so perfect: ...under the covers of his bed, where it's dark and lonely, like his soul.
I couldn't resist, I had to jump to Conclusions! His broody face seems to transmit that, and especially when he's got to play odd man out in Jared and Jensen's party. XD
Oh Chad, you loveable douche.
YES! Yes, he is. It's, like, a talent only he could refine. :D
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