(no subject)

Sep 28, 2006 22:57

So much television the last few days (and non-related ficcing, oh, and actual work-work, ha), and I can't even be bothered to feel guilty about it. Because nothing caps off a day of confrontational appointments like hunkering down to watch Supernatural.

There was some eyebrow-raising about the lack of snark and humor in "My Time of Dying," but I loved the episode. It was consistent with the mood set in the season finale, and despite the absence of the smart-assing it stayed true to the tone of the show.

I don't care how hokey a plot device it was - fashioning the A-plot around spirit!Dean worked. Ackles has such a natural talent for subtlety, and I absolutely loved the connection between his Dean and Jared's Sam because I could never get tired of Kripke and Co. driving home without fail the brotherly love between the boys. The composition of the Ouija board scene was touching, as was Dean's unheard "Thanks for not giving up on me" and Pa Winchester's wobbly good-bye. I never doubted that John loved his sons, but he wasn't good at showing that he cared about them - until those last few minutes. Oh. ;-;

Next week: CLOWNS.

Kinda off-topic. Mr. _turtledove: What would you do if you woke up in the middle of the night and found a grinning clown standing at the edge of your bed, holding a knife? Me: ...

My CW was messed up Wednesday, so I completely missed ANTM. Woe. Anyone catch it? Where can I find a vid of the episode?

Also caught last night's Project Runway. Although I didn't see the Final Four "twist" coming, I'm quite relieved the show's judges/producers took that path. I feared Michael getting auf'ed because his dress was disasterous and cheap and just plain slutty, and if given the choice TPTB would choose a personality like Jeffrey over nice-boy Michael. Was glad to see Uli produce her lovely dress, and I can't fault her at all for stealing Nazri. The woman knows how to model clothes - and she's lucky. She's my fave right behind Camille and Marilinda.

Lastly, VM - I've spammed several of you VM flister's posts about the VM 3x01. I liked the episode, but not the opening credits so much. I remember reading somewhere than Rob Thomas sought to present the show to new audience by penning a more friendly episode. I can see the sense in that. Season 3 looks promising - there's more Dick in it, ha - even if there's no Big Mystery established as of yet. Season 1 is still, by far, my favorite.

ETA: Now that the novelty of watching Ackles spend an episode barefoot in nothing else but a white shirt and hospital jammie bottoms has worn off, I'm scratching my head at several new canonical points. Chief among them - can demons possess other spirit beings? We saw The Demon use Tessa the Reaper's body with relative ease. And speaking of Reapers, Tessa was a departure from the one we saw in "Faith," though to be fair I guess the one Crazy Church Lady had, she enslaved. Also, what happened to Dean's necklace?


vm, spn, project runway

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