Aug 04, 2004 12:26
just gOt hOme yesterday frOm bball camp with the girls [ ]mwaHh bFfEnMw !! it was sO much fun and i miss it .. but im glad im hOme :O) . tOday im hanging with shauna and emmyy like we did last night and had a blast! *three amigO's! mwaHh . heather will be missed veryy much !! xO bFfE! . unfOrtunately i have tO wOrk tOniitee at 4 at the mBc // but cOme visit me!
lOve this quOte/sOng -*
day to day each night i pray ` that this ends
but i bet it's gonna -melt- my heart away //
take me to another*place .. from lonlieness
that's driving me insane <3 i L y S f M