"did you see what his name tag said?" "I know!" "aww!"

May 15, 2005 00:22

So when Meg and I are out and about late at night/in the wee hours of the morning we have a habbit of stopping at the 24 hour sneerglaw nearest to home and everytime we go there is the most adorable guy working there. He's a tall redhead with really pretty eyes and terribly light eyelashes (which I think looks nifty) and he has his ears gaged a little bit with a hoop in each one and interesting tatoos on his wrists and he's got thit amazing impish grin. He looks a little like a guy I went to highschool with only I know that he's not because that boy was short and super thin and sort of idiotic all the time but they could soo be brothers. Any way I always always forget to see what his name is and tonight I finally got a peek at his nametag and it said 'Rusty' how adorable is that? aww. I wonder if it's his real name or just what he likes to be called. I know that being a redhead myself I've been called Rusty and Red my share of times and typically I just find it annoying but it just seems so cute on this fellow. I just love a cute redheaded boy ^-^

Anyway that's terribly random but what the heck it's been a terribly random day.

And now I'm going to bed!

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