Nov 02, 2004 20:11
The only way to have fun is to let loose, be stupid and dance like you don't care. I had so much more fun than I expected to have.It was awweeesome.I loved watching jacob T.R.Y to dance. It was hilarious. But he tried for me and we both ended up having a good time. And even though i didnt go off and get shit faced afterwards like everyone else, i went to the beach and still had fun.It was a perfect night and I cant wait to get the pictures.
Stop asking me if I had homecoming sex! LoL... r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
((Rae)) ((Fresh))... went a whole w/e without ya. lets not let that happen again. Holler at me ;)! love ya
I know im not the only one who will be relieved when this god damn election is done and over with. So far I've gotten calls from Bill Clinton, Jeb Bush, some Ross dude, and Bette Middler???? WTF. Those damn recordings are filling up my answering maching and its seriously getting to be too much for me to handle.
Go Kerry!