who am I?

Aug 10, 2008 01:01

Most of you all know that I am a christian, and if you don't, shame on me because only about 3 people MIGHT be reading this and it is a fact that I do not try to hide, though at times my actions and attitude might prove otherwise and for that, I apologize.
Whether your christian or not, you probably agree on one thing The End of the world is coming soon, and some feel it is sooner than we expect. here's where my religion differs from most in things. a quick summary so I can go on.
My religion :
once your dead, your dead until the end of time
there is no eternal hell
hell fire is a CONSUMING fire, yes if you go to hell, you WILL die and you will forever more cease to exist
no one besides the specified people in the bible is in heaven.
no secret rapture, whatever is going to happen will happen in the plain site of all
time of tribulation will happen while the saved are still on earth, and they will suffer as well but will have God's assurance.

Most religions:
once you die your either in heaven or hell
hell is an ongoing thing
most even believe you can work your way out of hell
secret rapture
time of tribulation will happen after rapture

quick summary, you want to talk more, feel free to contact me and i'll be glad to talk

heres where my post comes in. I believe that the end of the world is near and it is something that shouldn't bother me, it should be common knowledge and I should even wait for it with open arms.
but... I don't. Thinking about it makes me feel even less and less worthy of the kingdom of heaven, and a fear envelopes me. I personally do not think that as I am right now I can make it into heaven, which is troubling because even if the end of the world isn't near, I could die tomorrow and I could lose my chance at repentance.

So thinking about this makes me think about the power of Christ's love. I'll admit it, I am not a good christian, I'm not the person that I should be, and the more I think about it, the more sinful I feel.

Christ's love is so powerful that even the most sinful man alive has a chance at salvation. all you have to do is repent and ask God for forgiveness, and really mean it. that... I think is wonderful. No man alive would be able to make it into heaven without this. No man is without sin and we need to accept the fact that God can help us, we just need to ask for his help.

but again, I just feel so sinful...
I'll post again in a friends only thing about the rest of my thoughts.

just my thoughts, ill be more than happy to talk to anyone about this just message me, email me or something, if you don't have me as a friend on here the comments will be screened so feel free to give me some sort of addy.
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