and I'm not sure why.
I spent all morning online, then went to the radio where Mike and I were supposed to play ska, but ended up quoting Chuck Norris facts and playing 3 Go! Team songs, an Arcade Fire song, and talking with Andy. Well actually, I talked to Andy, who told me things to say to Mike, who gave responses that went through me...
We ripped lots of music, and decided that
1) We love The Go! Team!
2) Stoke on Trent is a silly name for a place!
3) Mike loves pottery! And knows Robbie Williams!
4) Antony and The Johnsons are dumb, and one does not need to listen to find this out
5) Dan Lapp must be a lucky motherfucker, for Mike talked to him on the radio lots
6) Chuck Norris is almost as cool as Vin Diesel
8) We love The Planet Smashers
9) We Love The Go! Team
10) Hemel Hempstead is silly because a- it's on fire and b- it has 'hemp' in its name
We also introduced Yossi to The Go! Team, who decided he wants Junior Kickstart to be his theme music.
I spent all night happy and giggling. Hurrah!
I also did some more tracey art stuff
and Here