Let's see, what's happened in the past few days...
Al, Amy, Angela, Andrew, Mona, Mike, Dan L, and I went to see "Jarhead", and this really annoying guy was sitting behind Mike and myself. Everything something would happen, he'd yell "DAMN!" or "Aaaaaw no!" or laugh really loudly... and he was wearing a basketball jersey... I felt bad mocking him but he was so 'token black guy' it was hard not to. We walked to Porter Sq station from Harvard Square and took the commuter rail home. The conductor was surprised when we payed in quarters, "I never thought I'd se a Brandeis student pay with quarters. I thought they kept them all for laundry." This was humorous as Mike had asked me for laundry quarters earlier that night.
Yesterday I did my show, everyone else did work, then we went to dinner and messed around afterwards, Al climbed up the dungeon stairs to Reitman Ground just by holding on to my hands and was superman. I lost my phone. I was pregnant for a little while. I was a bridge in the hall, then Al and Mike went under me and carried me on their backs for a little while. We had several band meetings. They were fun. I taught Elizabeth how to braid with 4 strands. We watched "American Beauty", which had 'Cancer for the Cure' by The Eels in it, which made me extremely happy. This timeline is all fucked up. Uuuum, I played drums for a little while, I have them set up next to my desk (hihat and snare), and tend to start banging them when I listen to something inspiring. I can't wait to play all out, even in the pads are still on. Al took my camera and took a really random
series of pictures, which mostly consisted of people's chests and crotches.
Today consisted of talking to Andy, wearing pink pants, co op, and will soon be chem review. I hope I don't fuck these tests up as badly as the last ones. Chem and calc exams are tomorrow, and I'm nervous. I can't believe how badly I did before, and if I do it again I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't seem to get good grades in college. The only exception is the absolutely terrible essay I wrote for USEM, and got a C+... I wrote a much better version and am waiting to get that back. I should get a decent grade. I think I got a parking ticket. I need to go to the grocery store, and haven't. Hahaha, I'm filling your head with random thoughts that are just taking up space and being utterly useless!
That's all for now, I think...